Top 2 Ways Added Sugars Powerfully Affect Our Health?

Research continues to show the negative impacts on human health of excessive sugar intake. The bottom line is that all added sugar, that is, any not naturally contained in whole foods, is unnecessary and ultimately not good for us. However, sugar is STILL SECRETLY added to many of the processed foods we eat.

This raises questions as to whether the sugar that occurs naturally in foods such as fruit is any different to table sugar and other refined sugars. The answer is that all sugars are not the same as regards human health. It is becoming increasingly evident that we need to be aware of the kind of sugar that we are consuming and how our body reacts to it once eaten.

Effects of Sugar from Fruits

Fruits provide plenty of benefits because they are rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. Sugar is also contained in fruit, as fructose and glucose. The ratios of fructose, glucose and all the nutrient and fiber fractions varies among fruit types.

It is the fiber content of fruit that greatly determines what will happen to sugar once ingested and how quickly this fruit sugar can be broken down in the gastrointestinal tract. Just because most fruits taste sweet does not automatically mean that they all have the capacity to quickly raise blood sugar levels.

Some fruits have a high fiber and low sugar content, which means that they will have less impact on blood glucose, as the sugars will be assimilated more slowly. Fiber slows down the body’s digestion of glucose so that insulin spikes and subsequent energy crashes are prevented from happening. In addition, the fiber content of fruit can help expand the gut which gives an individual the feeling of fullness.

Fruit Sugar and the Glycemic Index

Fruits can be classified based on their glycemic index. The American Diabetes Association says that fruits which are heavy in fiber have a low glycemic index. Examples of fruits that have a low glycemic index include apples, peaches, berries and oranges and other citrus fruits. There are also fruits that have a higher glycemic index such as watermelon, grapes, raisins and ripe bananas. These are the kind of fruits which should be consumed in controlled portion sizes so they will not cause sugar spikes especially to people diagnosed with diabetes.

This means that you do not have to totally avoid or reduce your consumption of fresh fruits to keep your blood sugar levels at a normal level. Be mindful of their glycemic index and watch out for dried fruits as their sugar levels are more concentrated die to their reduced volume.

At CrossFit Alanis and Alanis Nutrition we provide members with lists and charts that include the glycemic index of many popular fruits and vegetables!

Effects of Refined Sugar

We need to firstly recognize that all types of sugar are broken down by the body for use in several metabolic processes. However, the differences between sugar types become evident when the effects on the body following ingestion are monitored and measured. Refined sugar very quickly metabolizes into fructose and glucose causing a rapid increase in blood sugar levels and insulin release. Refined sugar products will not only prevent you from experiencing that feeling of fullness, they affect hormones that make you feel even more hungry.

Therefore, you will find yourself craving more calorie-rich soda and cake even after you have already had enough.

***Are you ready to take back control of your life? Meet with our Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist to learn more about how we can help you create a nutrition plan that is right for you. Click HERE for your Alanis Nutrition Intro Consultation


Do You Want to Increase Your Manhood? Let’s Look At 9 Benefits of Testosterone!

Testosterone, often called the “male hormone,” is the foundational characteristic defining the physical and physiological characteristics associated with male health. Beyond influencing traits such as muscle mass, bone density, and facial hair, testosterone impacts other specific processes like mood regulation, energy levels, and sexual health. 


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