Our Prescription For You

Beaux Dyson owner of CrossFit Alanis

Learn how our prescriptive fitness model allows us to create a clear path to your goals.

We are not like a traditional gym.  In fact, we are not like any other gym in the area.  One of the ways we stand out is that we want to talk to our clients before they join so that we can offer the perfect prescription of fitness, nutrition, and accountability to create a high probability of success.  Recently, we had a client come in that was looking for a group class to help her lose weight for a wedding.  After discussing everything during her No Sweat Intro (NSI) with our Client Success Manager we concluded that a specific plan customized to her needs would give her the best chance to complete all her lofty goals in the desired timeframe.  We’ll explain this process in more detail as we go along.

Traditional intake programs will involve a quick meet and greet, tour of the facility, and then directly into the sale on a basic membership to access the gym and/or group classes.  But, after years of meeting with hundreds of potential clients, we realized that completing our mission of helping you beat chronic health diseases like obesity and diabetes, we would need to spend more time digging to the root of the problems people were facing.  Since we started incorporating No Sweat Intros (NSI) for every person that is interested in joining we have learned so much that has allowed us to help others. A few of the major lessons we have learned include: most people do not lack the ability to lose weight, they lack the accountability to stay consistent after the motivation has stopped leading the way.  We have also learned that nutrition is not seen as important towards weight loss as fitness when, in fact, it should be front and center in your fitness journey.  Learning this has allowed us to structure our programs with nutrition and accountability as staples in all our programs.

When you join us for an NSI, you are the focus of our attention from start to finish.  We take you into our climate-controlled consultation room and we sit down with you to learn as much about you as possible.  Some of the things we want to know include: your current fitness goals, why is now the right time to start, your commitment level to achieving your goals, nutrition habits, daily water intake, sleep habits, injury/health concerns, and more.

We utilize this information to create multiple comprehensive prescriptions to offer you the absolute best chance at success while improving in your weakest areas that are currently holding you back.

We offer many ways for you to succeed through our multiple programs including Foundations, CrossFit Classes, Private Training, Small Group Training, Nutrition Coaching, and Accountability Coaching.

Our Foundations program is designed to meet you at your current fitness level and help you to gain confidence and knowledge on the fundamental movements most commonly programmed in CrossFit prior to ever stepping on the floor.  We take the time to identify any movement patterns that need correction to prevent future issues.  This is a proven process to help everyone step on into their first class with confidence.

Our CrossFit program has been our flagship fitness program for years and continues to help hundreds of people achieve their fitness goals by offering different tiers of the same workout daily to allow for all fitness and skill levels to have a base workout to customize to their needs regardless of if they are a beginner or veteran athlete.  This allows all the guesswork to be removed from the equation thanks to the multiple skill levels and our professional coaches there to help customize and individualize the workout foreach everyone in class.

Our Nutrition program has been carefully designed by Holistic Health Practitioner and Master Nutritionist Beaux Dyson to ensure that we can offer legitimate nutrition guidance and meal plans built to help our clients conquer weight loss goals, remain consistent with their positive eating habits, and feel the best they’ve ever felt in their lives.

Our private training programs are perfect for anyone that may feel intimidated by the group environment, anyone wanting amore custom and private experience, and those that are looking to work on specific skills or wanting added accountability.

Lastly, our accountability coaching is built into all of our programs thanks to our Client Success Manager who’s entire role is to help you remain accountable to your goals and help you to keep on track from start to finish through complimentary goal setting sessions every 90 days and regular accountability calls, texts, and emails.

We chose this system because it allows us to use our expertise to help everyday people battle chronic disease and achieve optimal health and wellness without any cookie cutter memberships or random trial classes.  We are just experts who solve problems for clients.

Book a No Sweat Intro with our Head Coach today: Change Your Life


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Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


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